Privacy Policy, EJT-Tekniikka Ltd.

Data controller

EJT-Tekniikka Ltd.
Kuormakatu 6
20380 Turku
Tel: +358 40039 4050
Business ID FI23211652

Person responsible for registry matters and/or contact person

Juha Leppänen

Name of the register

EJT-Tekniikka Ltd. Customer Registers

Purpose of Personal Data Processing (Purpose of the Register)

Personal data is used to maintain and develop the cooperation between EJT-Tekniikka Ltd. and the customer.

Content of the Register

The register collects basic information about the registered individuals, such as:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Email

Regular disclosures of data and transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area

No regular disclosures of data to third parties. No data transfers outside the EU or the EEA.

Principles of Register Protection

The information from the contact forms is stored in the data controller’s system, which is protected by security software for the operating system. Access to the system requires entering a username and password. The system is also protected by firewalls and other technical measures. Only specific, pre-defined employees of the data controller are authorized to access and use the information stored in the register. The data contained in the register is located in locked and monitored facilities.

Right of the Registered Person to Object

The register may be used for direct marketing of EJT-Tekniikka Ltd.’s products, services, and training, or for other marketing activities. The contact information in the register can be removed if necessary.

Right of the Data Subject to Access

The data subject has the right to check the information stored in the register that concerns them and to obtain copies of it. The request for inspection must be made in writing and addressed to the person responsible for registry matters.

Correction of Information

Incorrect or outdated information in the register will be supplemented and corrected, or removed if necessary, either proactively or at the request of the data subject. The data subject must contact the person responsible for registry matters at the data controller to request the correction of information.